5. Gid manual

5.1. Conditions

All conditions from http://www.tochnogprofessional.nl/disclaimer/conditions.pdf apply.

5.2. Introduction

This manual discusses how to use the pre-post processor in combination with Tochnog. GID is copyrighted by CIMNE (the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering in Barcelona, Spain). See http://www.gidsimulation.com. You don’t pay anything if you only use a limited amount of nodes and elements. Usage of GID with an unlimited amount of nodes and elements costs only a nominal amount.

5.3. Distribution files and installation

Suppose that giddir is the directory where you installed GID. Make sure that the giddir is writable for you.

Make in giddir in the problemtypes directory a new directory tochnog.gid. Together with the Tochnog Professional distribution, you obtain in the directory partners/gid/tochnog.gid interface files between GID and Tochnog. Copy all those files to the giddir/problemtypes/tochnog.gid directory. For windows, copy the tochnog_windows.bat to tochnog.bat. For linux, copy the tochnog_linux.bat to tochnog.bas. For linux, take care that the tochnog.bat and tochnog.bas files are executable (do a chmod +x if required).

5.4. Generate mesh with GID preprocessor

  • Choose in GID ’data’ then ’Project type’. Choose tochnog.

  • Generate geometries in GID.

  • Assign conditions. This will in fact not generate a boundary condition, but instead it will generate geometry_list records which contains node numbers. You can generate ten lists of node numbers on points; these will be given index 1 … 10. You can generate ten lists of node numbers on lines; these will be given index 11 … 20. You can generate ten lists of node numbers on surfaces; these will be given index 21 … 30. You can generate ten lists of node numbers on volumes; these will be given index 31 … 40. This option is only needed if you have a calculation with very irregular geometries; mostly you do not need this and can directly use geometries in tochnog to impose boundary conditions, loads etc.

  • Assign materials. This will later be used to generate element_group records for Tochnog. You can either set no material numbers at all, or you can set material numbers for the complete structure. It is not allowed to set only some materials numbers for a part of the structure only. You should use all of GROUP1, GROUP2, etc. as much as you need. You should not skip any group (so by example do not use only GROUP1 and GROUP3).

  • Generate a mesh in GID. This will later be used to generate element and node records for Tochnog. Use GID ’generation’ and ’generate’ to get a mesh. Use GID* ’generation’ and ’mesh view’ to see the mesh.

5.5. Plot results with GID postprocessor

Use control_print_gid to generate plot files for GID. By example, if the input file is named problemname.dat then the GID PLOT files are problemname_flavia.msh and problemname_flavia.res. Do the following in GID to visualise the results:

  • Click in GID ’file’ , ’postprocess’

  • Click ’files’ , ’open’ and then open problemname_flavia.msh